The History of the Men's Denim Dungarees 👖
Levi Strauss, a native of San Francisco born in 1873, was granted a patent with his sidekick Jacob Davis of Reno for the creation of an unusual pair of trousers. Together they created a new garment with metal rivets, which was later called "BlueJean Dungarees". Levi Strauss asked his partner to join him in opening the first factory for "waist dungarees", they did not aim to become a huge company and revolutionize the history of fashion in general. But it's a fact that what they would create would inspire the clothing of America's biggest shows. Like Will Smith in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", the denim overalls he wore are still remembered and strongly influenced the youth of the 90's! The Bestseller was certainly the "501" brand of jeans, whose sales continued to rise until its peak in the early 20th century. Around 1920, Levi's BlueJean dungarees were suitable for workers in the fields, factories, and for the hardened handyman. The dungarees became a must-have in workwear. What was not foreseen was the ability of this garment to adapt through the ages. Today, Royal Blue denim dungarees are a must-have in any wardrobe! Worn by the young, the old, and all over the world!
Denim Dungarees and their Production 🔨
During the Gold Rush in America in the 1900s, miners and workers needed trousers that were robust, adaptable, and long-lasting. This is how denim trousers became a workwear essential. Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss were instrumental in the success of these trousers, making them explode in factory production and learning how to distribute them. Now used with a denim bib with a central pocket, bib overalls were initially held in place by stretch straps that held the trousers in place perfectly. This meant that workers did not have to worry about the comfort of their clothing while on the job. Initially produced for railway workers and scrap metal workers, its manufacture accelerated to be suitable for young people too more than 150 years after its creation. A great success story thanks to its controversial and constantly renewed double facet.
My Dungarees is a brand wich is love and Carried by the young, the old, and all over the world! 🌍
Which color of overalls to choose? 🌈
Indeed, if you work, denim overalls will be your main choice. Yes, but here it is, which one to choose? and why?
Style lover, your vintage or hipster side wants to come back to life? With classic black or Kawaii-style colored dungarees, you'll show off your rebellious, off-the-wall side! Like Coluche, shake up thoughts and morals with a fashionable and adapted outfit on top of that! You are rather classic and without overdoing it? The Denim Dungarees are all-purpose and can be perfectly adapted to all kinds of situations. At work, at a vernissage or for a drink on the terrace, this must-have is immortal. By withstanding the test of time, the denim overalls are a safe bib that you can keep for many years to come!