Black Dungarees

The Black Dungarees ♠️

The black overalls are a ray of light for your evenings. Everywhere and timeless, it is undoubtedly the most "friendly" garment you will have in your possession. Dungarees with a skinny hem or more elephant paws, My Dungarees offers here its most beautiful pieces in deep black and really classy. Wide bib or not, fashion lovers will find something here to intelligently garnish their wardrobe with a garment that is both original and sympathetic! Get out your best white t-shirts and your pair of sneakers, and opt for a modern and assertive style.

History of the Black Bib Overalls ♣️

The first version of the black dungarees appeared in 1844 in Lyon. It was created by Louis Lafont as a service to his father-in-law who was a carpenter, so that he could easily store his tools and always have them to hand. For this, he created a dark "largeot" with a pocket attached to the belt. The model was then taken up, improved, and patented by his grandson, Adolphe Lafont in 1896, adding the famous pocket on the bib held by the straps. Like the "Men's Branch Dungarees", the black dungarees have adapted to our times and meet the stylistic requirements of modern times.

The Psychology of the Black 🌒

It's no coincidence that "emo" fashion was mostly made up of this dark color; it seems that people who wear black are particularly sensitive. The idea of ​​wearing a monochrome color that is not distracting is also a tool to facilitate concentration and not get lost in all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Having a dress that is visually uniform can therefore give a helping hand to people who find it difficult to concentrate on their task.